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Welcome to Graphshion

We LOVE FASHION and we provide services in the pursuit of fashion development.

Design teams translate trend boards into concept boards that are used to guide developers, in line development.
Having a visual concept of an idea assists the design team in keeping focused on a desired direction.

Graphics & Illustrations help us as individuals convey a message to others how we are feeling at a given moment in time, Graphshion is a catalyst for them. Clients ideas are the beginning of a message set by them and translated by me.

Technical specifications (Specs) are used to identify and convey the details of the item to the manufacturer, from thread to fabric, color, buttons, fit, sizes etc., it stands as a crucial intricate part of the fashion world.

Along with fashion industry demands also comes requests that fall outside the industry parameters, here are some random works that clients have requested and some pieces that I have created in my spare time.

The building blocks of Fashion

Where Graphics and Fashion go hand in hand